Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - June 2015

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • Tomorrow the poster "Water for All" from the balcony of City Hall withdrew (30/06/2015)
    The event, symbolic and public, will take place at 10.00
  • A group of restaurateurs from the region visit El Pozo (29/06/2015)

  • El Pozo Daycare celebrates its tenth anniversary (25/06/2015)
    Over 350 students from up to three years have gone through this nursery school built to facilitate the reconciliation of workers
  • This week two works have started in our town to mitigate the effects of days of heavy rain (24/06/2015)

  • Rating plenary 22.6.2015 (24/06/2015)
    The PSOE fails to fulfill its promises.
  • Rating Extraordinary Plenary of June 23, 2015 - IU Greens (24/06/2015)

  • PSOE: "The PP seeks to deceive and confuse on the implementation of the measures" (24/06/2015)
    The House approved the reduction of the cost of municipal government at 160,000 euros and only be five councilors to pay
  • Effective moves the EOD Alhama in the presence of a suspicious briefcase (19/06/2015)

  • Meeting between the PSOE and IU-Greens Alhama (18/06/2015)

  • "The most serious political maneuver of democracy in our town" (18/06/2015)
    The PSOE de Alhama considered disloyal attempt to boycott the inauguration as mayor Diego Conesa
  • Clarification of the PP de Alhama after the controversy in the investiture ceremony (18/06/2015)

  • Positioning of IU-Greens on conversations with other political groups in the city council (18/06/2015)

  • Awards ceremony of the DRAGONChallenge (15/06/2015)

  • The PSOE celebrates its electoral commitment to reduce 160,000 euros a year the cost of municipal government (12/06/2015)

  • Press release of the PP in Alhama de Murcia on Education (11/06/2015)

  • The new PSOE government cost 35% less to alhameños (10/06/2015)
    Go from 461448-298688 euros a year
  • The school dining Antonio Machado available next year (04/06/2015)

  • PSOE: "The PP culminates lies on freedom of educational choice in Alhama ' (03/06/2015)
    The Ministry of Education closes a public school classroom Gines San Cristóbal Díaz next year
  • More than 800 people enjoy the activities of the International Museum Day (03/06/2015)

  • Older complete the course of computer workshop (03/06/2015)

  • Registered unemployment low in Alhama 153 people (02/06/2015)

  • Students from Nursery School Gloria Fuertes Alhama repopulate the environment of the recreational area of ​​La Perdiz, Sierra Espuña (02/06/2015)
    On the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day
  • The Cuban Antonio Carballo Calderon Wins Short Story Contest XV Alfonso Martinez-Mena by its title "The skull of Adolf Pölzl" (01/06/2015)
    The second award is for the Venezuelan Gladys Rosa Ruiz for the story "Five beds dead"
  • The Women's Business Incubator offers local offices for entrepreneurs starting their activity (01/06/2015)


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