Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - December 2014

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • Raquel Romero Box, winner of VII Photo Marathon, "Christmas and youth" (31/12/2014)

  • The lagoons of Las Salinas de Alhama de Murcia are declared SPAs to conserve the White-headed Duck (30/12/2014)

  • More than 40,000 euros for the center of child development and early care Alhama de Murcia (30/12/2014)

  • REVIEW: Title of the story too long 12/24/2014 10:41:12 (24/12/2014)
    Inauguration of Bethlehem Municipal
  • Perán Fashion, Footwear and Perán Home Carmen are the winners of window dressing (24/12/2014)

  • Assessment regular plenary session December 18, 2014 (22/12/2014)
    IU-green Alhama de Murcia
  • They conclude the program activities on headed duck (22/12/2014)

  • The PP congratulates the municipal government for getting Primafrío installed in Alhama (21/12/2014)

  • The second issue of the newsletter "Things of My People" hits the streets this week (19/12/2014)
    The water element is the sole and undisputed protagonist in three areas: drinking, thermal and irrigation
  • The Foundation of Workers and free enterprise ELPOZO facilitate early diagnosis of cancer at company employees (19/12/2014)
    Sanitas has been the company chosen to perform medical tests
  • "The Plan of Works and Services back to the plenary at the approach of Municipal Elections" (19/12/2014)
    The mayoral candidate, Diego Conesa, proposes a limit of 15,000 euros to statements Social Interest works well benefit small and medium companies
  • New Technologies and Local Police develop applications for comfort Citizen (18/12/2014)

  • Christmas Concert Band and Choir of the Municipal School of Music (18/12/2014)

  • The journalist Matthew Garcia was honored by the City of Alhama (18/12/2014)

  • Fourteen winners in the XXIII edition of the awards Cope Espuña (18/12/2014)

  • "Spring" Cánovas Vera in the Old Town Square Cultural Center (18/12/2014)

  • Employment and Local Development awarded € 37,800 in aid alhameñas companies (18/12/2014)

  • The Department of Woman closing three training courses (18/12/2014)

  • The SEF de Alhama receives about 29 monthly job applicants from other municipalities (18/12/2014)

  • Important boost local trade in 2015 (17/12/2014)
    The municipality of Alhama, along with the departments of Planning, Works and Services and Trade, plans to undertake refurbishment of the street shutters
  • The nineteenth edition of Window Dressing Competition Alhama de Murcia is presented (16/12/2014)

  • The director of Cultural Assets visit Alhama and supports the restoration of the lower castle grounds (16/12/2014)

  • The Minister of Health highlights the Food Security which makes its products ELPOZO (16/12/2014)

  • On Friday December 19 the program headed duck is closing (16/12/2014)

  • The Young Entrepreneurs Guadalentin meet with the Mayor of Alhama de Murcia (16/12/2014)
    The Mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Fernando Alfonso Morales Ceron meets with the Executive Board of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs Guadalentín to listen operation, demands and concerns that presents the collective
  • Two local police officers were injured in an arrest (15/12/2014)

  • The mayor of local police described as "quite satisfactory" last campaign Control Alcoholemia (15/12/2014)

  • Alhama headquarters of PRIMAFRÃO, the first national refrigerated transport company (15/12/2014)

  • Fernando Alfonso Ceron, the top six candidates officially elected to Mayor (12/12/2014)

  • POSE: "Increases haste, lack of rigor and transparency of the Municipal Government" (10/12/2014)
    "They summon an extraordinary plenary session the day before without even bring the proposal to approve"
  • The Director General of Cultural Property visit the Archaeological Museum Los Baños and the Castle of Alhama de Murcia (10/12/2014)

  • Heavy Perla's work is "essential" in the Louvre in Paris (10/12/2014)
    The Murcia painter selected for the fourth consecutive year to participate in the prestigious Hall organized by the National Society of Fine Arts
  • Social Welfare developed the course "Learning skills that improve our daily lives" (10/12/2014)

  • The talk on "Prevention of breast and cervical cancer" closes conferences provided for Volunteer Day (10/12/2014)

  • Culture and Heritage promotes guided the castle and museum schools and colleges of the town views (10/12/2014)

  • Agatha Romero Velasco receives the Voluntary Partnership Award 2014 (10/12/2014)

  • Rosa de Soto opens the series of poetry: "A poet station" (09/12/2014)

  • Candi Marin presented in Alhama his candidacy "Change to Win" (08/12/2014)

  • Full extraordinary December 2014 (08/12/2014)
    Citizens for Alhama
  • A photo contest with the theme "Landscapes of the White-headed Duck in Alhama de Murcia" is convened (04/12/2014)

  • Hundreds of people are interested in the social action of the various groups of volunteers from Alhama (03/12/2014)

  • Celebrations and districts have events planned for Christmas 2014 (03/12/2014)

  • The next Friday, December 5, the Therapeutic Community Fleets premiere of "The Theatre of Life" (02/12/2014)

  • Fifty people attended the conference, "Living without fear ... without fear of living", organized by Amit (02/12/2014)

  • "Phoenix" and "Felipe canton and some more", winners of the XXVII night crossing mountain (02/12/2014)

  • Assessment regular plenary session on November 27, 2014. IU-Green (01/12/2014)

  • Rating full month of November Citizens for Alhama (01/12/2014)

  • Social Welfare launched a new Mediation Center in Alhama (01/12/2014)

  • The Merchants Association and the Department of Commerce trigger the "III Trading Clock" in Alhama (01/12/2014)

  • "The government team approves, three years later and by the back door, measures of transparency full of vagueness" (01/12/2014)
    Diego Conesa, PSOE candidate, reminds the Mayor that already presented the Code of Good Local Government in 2011 and I did not even want to admit to Plenary

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