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Alhama de Murcia News - July 2008

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • It closed the 2008 Summer School (31/07/2008)
    During these weeks the young people, aged between 5 and 14 years, have enjoyed and learned from the activities of the workshops that make up this fun summer
  • It dismisses the "Educaverano 2008" with great participation (31/07/2008)
    As a farewell to all this, the participants prepared a great summer party where there was no shortage of music, smiles, dance, color and even small-big players in a play Theatre
  • Begin the work of arranging and cleaning the yard of the house "Las Menas" (31/07/2008)

  • Summer Film Program in August 2008 (30/07/2008)

  • The municipality is reinforced with 14 new officers of the Guardia Civil (30/07/2008)

  • The City of Alhama opens the deadline for requesting "Pequecheque" (29/07/2008)
    From July 25 to September 30, 2008
  • Possible water outage in the town of Alhama (29/07/2008)

  • Municipal subsidies are given to sports bodies (29/07/2008)

  • Last performances of the Workshop on Employment in the municipality (29/07/2008)

  • 43 people debate the future of the Canyons in Gebas and its environment (28/07/2008)
    The General Directorate of Natural Environment is organizing a workshop for citizen participation in the hamlet
  • Alhama City Council has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Social Policy for the construction of a Centre for Child Care (28/07/2008)
    With regard to the city of Alhama, the places created will be of 74 and the grant of 500,000 euros
  • The director of the Institute for Youth, Verónica López and the first mayor of the municipality, Juan Romero, a close the Labor Camp IX Alhama (25/07/2008)
    Young people come from: 1 Aragon, 3 of Asturias, the Canary Islands 2, 1 Castilla y León, Extremadura 2, 2, Madrid, Murcia 2, 3, France 1, England 2 Poland 1, South Korea and several participants from Alhama
  • Verónica López closing the Alhama Labor Camp after a fortnight of activity (25/07/2008)
    The director of the Institute for Youth also visited the Labor Camp in Totana Espuña Regional Park
  • Alhama City Council introduced a new food delivery service (25/07/2008)
    For those persons having limited personal autonomy
  • 2008 courses are presented at the University of the Sea which will be taught in Alhama from the second half of September (24/07/2008)
    The objectives of this course are generally know the use and management plans of protected natural areas
  • Grants to reconcile work and family life "Pequecheque" (24/07/2008)

  • Increase surveillance in parks and gardens during summer nights (24/07/2008)
    The mayor has suggested that this be done without undermining other services being made by police overnight, and checks will continue to be vehicles, noise surveillance, calls attention to the neighbors, etc. ..
  • Continue the summer movie schedule (22/07/2008)

  • The children's play park manages the Cuban (21/07/2008)
    At the end of this week will be open to the public
  • Taking advantage of the summer takes a repainting of road markings of the municipality (21/07/2008)

  • 2008 Summer Camps "El Collado II" and "Venture" has finished (18/07/2008)
    youth of the municipality who have participated since the July 11 date in the summer camps organized by the city of Alhama "El Collado II "and" Venture ", have come to town
  • IU + Greens qualifies as bad the efforts for the acquisition of the Garden of Menas (18/07/2008)
    His spokesman John Romero says they were only reported when the sales transaction was already consummated
  • Agriculture and the city of Alhama conditioned 33 kilometers of rural roads (17/07/2008)
    The Minister Antonio Cerda says that this action is a step in the promotion and preservation of rural areas "
  • Youth International Work Camp, after receiving several training lectures, and work has begun archaeological (16/07/2008)
    On Tuesday, 14 began the archaeological excavation being carried out in the bottom of the Castle grounds, following the restoration work and expanded the area of rooms in the lower enclosure
  • For work in agricultural jobs must apply in the SEF (16/07/2008)

  • Call for grants from the Ministry of Employment and Training (16/07/2008)

  • Starts the second round of Educaverano 2008 and ends on the first turn (15/07/2008)

  • The directors of Women and Family visit the Early Childhood Center ELPOZO Antonio Fuertes FEED (15/07/2008)
    The team that runs the center is composed of senior technicians in kindergarten, teachers specializing in Early Childhood Education and a psychologist is responsible for Each student's personalized follow-up
  • Youth from around the world participate in the IX International Working Campo Castillo de Alhama (14/07/2008)

  • Chinese officials visit ElPozo power plants, to approve the export of their products to China (14/07/2008)
    Murcia is the only company participating in this program promoted by the government
  • Announcement of grants for Equality Plans in small and medium enterprises (11/07/2008)

  • Agricultural Vehicle Roadworthiness (11/07/2008)

  • The Community and the city of Alhama earmarked 1.2 million euros to equip the rural roads of the municipality (11/07/2008)

  • On Sunday the City receives the youth of the IX International Working Campo Castillo de Alhama (11/07/2008)

  • The City sprayed green spaces with totally organic products do not harm the pollinating bees (11/07/2008)

  • "The Menas" is owned and municipal (10/07/2008)
    Alhama City Council has purchased the farm known as "The Menas", annexed to the City Park La Cubana
  • Completed summer camps 2008 "El Collado I" and "El Collado II" (10/07/2008)

  • IU + The Greens claim that "the review of assessed values in Alhama current multiplied by three" (09/07/2008)
    The Municipal Government of PP and PSOE an extraordinary plenary summons and urgent for the review of assessed values, held at Alhama by the Delegation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Murcia, come into force next year
  • More than thirty people participated in the Reading Club (09/07/2008)

  • "Music in the Jardines de Alhama" this year includes performances by local youth groups (08/07/2008)
    Maria Elena Marín, mayor of Celebration realized it this morning at a press conference
  • More than four hundred people have participated in cultural tours (08/07/2008)
    Among the proposals are under consideration for the coming months, is working on planning a trip to the Museo del Teatro Romano de Cartagena and a visit to the Exhibition of Saavedra Fajardo Murcia
  • The library is already in the swimming pool Summer (08/07/2008)
    for consultation, it has to fill out a simple form user
  • 2008 vaccination campaign against rabies for dogs and cats (08/07/2008)
    At this time the cost of vaccination is cheaper and only costs 18 euros
  • The mayor of the municipality and the mayor of Education visit the children of Educaverano (08/07/2008)
    Remember that the Educaverano have a second round of 16 to 31 July this year the children have chosen two options: with and without high Dining
  • Summer camps begin in Alhama (08/07/2008)

  • Begins summer movie schedule (07/07/2008)

  • 1% € 900,000 to restore the castle Cultural Alhama de Murcia (04/07/2008)
    The City of Alhama de Murcia will receive € 900,000 grant to address the restoration of the castle
  • The mayor and some city councilors attended the laying of the cornerstone of the airport Corvera. (04/07/2008)
    The ceremony was presided by President of the Autonomous Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel
  • Nearly thirty students received the title of course monitor leisure (04/07/2008)

  • Several farmers travel to the wineries of Casa de la Ermita (02/07/2008)
    Travelers took the opportunity to explore the town of Jumilla, where wineries are located above.
  • Eight Sahrawi children will be able to improve their health thanks to the generosity of families alhameñas (01/07/2008)
    The youngsters, aged 8 and 12 years, arrived in the area at five in the morning after a long trip
  • The Commonwealth Tourism Services announces the I Espuña Photo Contest (01/07/2008)


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