Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - October 2015

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • Premiere of the film "The Adventures of Moriana" (31/10/2015)

  • The PP criticized the "generalized increase in taxes and the lack of transparency and participation in modifying the tax ordinance" (28/10/2015)
    "It has passed us the information 48 hours before full"
  • The water and natural areas focus the first meeting between the local government and the Minister of Environment (28/10/2015)

  • Begin program activities "A little bit more" in all public schools in Alhama (28/10/2015)

  • ElPozo workers can use the parking of the cemetery (28/10/2015)

  • The Ministry of Water projected improvement works on the sanitation of the villages of Gebas and watercress in Murcia (27/10/2015)
    The Minister Adela Martinez-Cache meets with the mayor to discuss joint projects between government
  • Jesus Samper visit Alhama to explain the situation of Paramount (27/10/2015)

  • "Alhama Sum" seeks to integrate all sectors for the development of the Strategic Plan of the municipality (26/10/2015)

  • Cortoespaña 2015 - Short returns to Alhama de Murcia (26/10/2015)
    CortoEspaña, traveling festival that tours the country, comes back to Alhama to show the most outstanding works of the year
  • The answers PP demonstrations PSRM Secretary made last week during his visit to Alhama (26/10/2015)

  • "Performances Integrated Sustainable Urban Development" for the period 2014-2020 (23/10/2015)

  • The Industrial Park Alhama grows with four new large companies that will create 150 jobs (22/10/2015)
    The arrival of these new companies within the food industry with an investment of over 120 million euros and increase the number of park employees to 1,700
  • The new IES Valle de Leiva, central theme of the meeting between the Mayor and President Pedro Antonio Sánchez (21/10/2015)

  • Chronicle itinerary Sierra de la Muela SENDALHAMA (21/10/2015)

  • Alhama City Council is poised to continue leading Industrialhama (21/10/2015)

  • The House of Culture projects morning trilogy Back to the Future in the Young Plan Alhama (20/10/2015)

  • Free Via the project in Alhama Primafrío (20/10/2015)
    Alhama City Council signed an agreement with the company to transfer the Ministry of Development the need for a third lane to the entrance and exit of their trucks to the highway
  • The Department of Social Services organized a trip to Murcia to visit the Central Service Telecare (17/10/2015)

  • Students of the Center for Psychosocial Care inaugurate the exhibition Zangamanga 6 (16/10/2015)

  • The districts and the County of Alhama will have a regular transportation system to unite the city center (15/10/2015)

  • The Council organizes a participatory workshop on the Strategic Plan of Alhama and the project of the future spa (15/10/2015)

  • The Ministry of Development and the City of Alhama de Murcia will work on the commissioning of transport demand districts (15/10/2015)
    Francisco Barnabas notes that this initiative will improve communications between the city, the districts and the County of Alhama developments
  • Institutional disloyalty (14/10/2015)
    The City Council requests the Alhama de Murcia Alhama People's Party to make public the content of the meetings is having with the various ministries of the Autonomous Region
  • Note the PP on "institutional disloyalty" (14/10/2015)

  • The new manager of the PP de Alhama has initiated a series of meetings (13/10/2015)

  • The PP de Alhama reports of the manager who takes charge of the party (09/10/2015)

  • Caravaca organized a Conference on the International Day of Rural Women (09/10/2015)

  • The snack of the biggest is postponed to Sunday due to the high risk of rain for this afternoon (08/10/2015)

  • Alhama City joins the minute of silence for the murdered woman in Beniel (06/10/2015)

  • 48 years promoting table grapes and other agricultural products (05/10/2015)
    On October 6 Competition Exhibition opens
  • The Telecare service reports support products for everyday activities (02/10/2015)

  • The House approved unanimously the democratic election of village headman (02/10/2015)
    The PSOE de Alhama it supports the educational community to decide the location of the new IES Valle de Leiva
  • Fumigation campaign is extended in Murcia (02/10/2015)


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