Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - November 2014

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • Meeting with supporters celebrated in Alhama de Murcia (29/11/2014)
    Deputy Secretary General of Organization of regional PP and Minister of Education, Culture and Universities, Pedro Antonio Sánchez
  • Poll making PP de Alhama the November plenary (29/11/2014)

  • Fifty people attended the first lecture Volunteer Day (28/11/2014)

  • The winners of the ninth edition of the Route and receive their awards cover (28/11/2014)

  • Several schools and colleges visit the Archaeological Museum Los Baños and the Castel (28/11/2014)

  • Environment invites us to know the flora of the bank Guadalentin (27/11/2014)

  • Window digital collection and hacienda (26/11/2014)

  • The International Day Against Gender Violence concludes with a march through the streets of Alhama (26/11/2014)

  • A griffon vulture is captured in Alhama de Murcia (26/11/2014)
    probably malnourished and dehydrated, decided to make a stop in the town
  • The City of Alhama de Murcia launches subsede Tax Management and Collection (26/11/2014)

  • The PSOE de Alhama approves the final document of commitments to members of their electoral list (25/11/2014)
    For 15 days have collected contributions from members, supporters and neighbors of Alhama
  • The government team completes the pedestrianization of a downtown area (25/11/2014)

  • The PP welcomes the initiative of the government team to appoint Strong brothers Alhama favorite sons. (25/11/2014)

  • Campaign food collection PP 2014 (25/11/2014)

  • On Sunday, November 16, Sendalhama ended its 2014 edition (24/11/2014)

  • On 25 November the International Day commemorates against Gender Violence (21/11/2014)

  • The new bilingual schools in the town are the supporting plates by the Ministry of Education (21/11/2014)

  • Fernando Barroso and Jesus Cortes winners IX Top Road and Cocktail (21/11/2014)

  • The city of Alhama de Murcia and Ecovidrio drive recycling of glass containers in the hospitality industry (20/11/2014)
    all local surveys will be conducted to determine their needs and the need to improve the recycling of glass packaging materials will be provided
  • Ana Belén García Cánovas remain civil protection coordinator for the next two years (19/11/2014)

  • Local Police warn of different traffic controls for the coming weeks (19/11/2014)

  • He was born in Alhama a new Delegation of D'Genes (19/11/2014)
    It will be coordinated by the alhameña Caridad Lopez
  • "The Colla of Ramblar" presents his first album last Friday of the month at Velasco Cinema (19/11/2014)

  • Training and Employment launched a new course on "Auxiliary Operations and General Administrative Services" (18/11/2014)

  • Social Welfare presents "Planting and joys pick" the program of activities with the International Volunteer Day is commemorated (18/11/2014)

  • Association of Municipalities of Old "Marquis of Vélez" initiative that has supported the City of Alhama de Murcia is created (18/11/2014)

  • This afternoon at The Granary building at 20.30 opens "Under the Same Sun" (17/11/2014)
    A photography exhibition that highlights the discrimination against women
  • Jose Molina Molina explains the keys to overcoming the crisis in the presentation of "Citizen and Public Expenditure" (17/11/2014)
    economist and sociologist indicates that the road should be based on transparency, good governance and accountability
  • The PSOE de Alhama makes a firm commitment to transparency in our town (17/11/2014)
    Diego Conesa and his team are committed to meeting the 80 indicators of Transparency International Management Council
  • Diego Conesa commitment to public water when the current contract ends in 2019 (17/11/2014)
    The leader of the Socialists in Alhama considering opening a referendum to decide between all of how to manage this asset that gives us life, health and history
  • The Minister of Industry highlights the efforts made by the city of Alhama to convert its industrial park in one of the pointers in the Region (13/11/2014)

  • The Department of Aging imparts a new computer course (13/11/2014)

  • Regional Budgets include work on the new Valle de Leiva (13/11/2014)

  • School CEIP Codorniú visit Ricardo Pozo Murcia FS (12/11/2014)

  • A man has died run over this morning in Murcia (12/11/2014)

  • Juan Carlos Ruiz transmits its trade support Alhama, which will aid in next year's budget (12/11/2014)
    The Minister of Industry, Tourism, Business and Innovation bid to boost thermal tourism and hunting in the locality
  • They are presented concerts in honor of St. Cecilia (12/11/2014)

  • Students visit UCAM organic orchards (11/11/2014)

  • The Minister of Public Works received the Mayor of Alhama de Murcia (11/11/2014)
    And the president of the Center for Sport Parachuting Aspamur
  • "The paintings of Loren," Maria Dolores Bern at Old Square Cultural Center (11/11/2014)

  • The Department of Health Education organizes the conference "Feed your child" (10/11/2014)

  • School of the town come to the figure of the police (10/11/2014)

  • The Socialist Party unanimously approved Alhama party accounts in your General Assembly (10/11/2014)
    The Local Executive presented the data for the year 2013-2014 and budget for next year, based on transparency
  • The Department of Employment has awarded € 29,900 in grants is still open and the deadline to apply for financial aid (10/11/2014)

  • Socialists Alhama make delivery of a consignment of food to Civil Protection (10/11/2014)
    The material has been paid with the money saved in the campaign of the last European elections
  • Jose Molina Molina speak Wednesday at Cafe Los Olmos on transparency and participatory governance (10/11/2014)
    economist and sociologist presents the fourth edition of his book Citizen and Public Expenditure '
  • A new course in social skills emerged from the agreement between the City and Project Abraham is closing (10/11/2014)

  • The Church of the Conception will host the "Third Meeting Coral Autumn in Alhama" (08/11/2014)

  • UI question to the European Commission about the reasons for the grant to the theme park in Alhama (08/11/2014)

  • The Department of Women presents programming to commemorate the International Day Against Violence Against Women (07/11/2014)

  • The exhibition hall of the Archaeological Museum exhibits Bathrooms "Look at the origins of art ..." (06/11/2014)

  • Cristina Lopez, Prince of Spain, awarded at the regional contest "Increased security" (06/11/2014)

  • The Department of Women and enterprising entrepreneurs how to manage your business (06/11/2014)

  • Dinner coexistence Alhama People's Party (06/11/2014)

  • CEIP Ricardo Codorniú visit to El Pozo Murcia to give you luck in the Cup (05/11/2014)

  • The departments of Environment, Works and Services report on car parks being built in the area of ​​the Transfer (03/11/2014)

  • Diego Conesa support by signing the Code of Ethics of the PSOE (03/11/2014)
    Nearly two dozen mayors and socialist candidates sign at the gates of the Palacio de San Esteban document conduct that "honesty is part of everyday action"
  • The socialist alhameños placed a bouquet of roses in a common grave in the cemetery (03/11/2014)
    The event, held for the second consecutive year, is made in honor and memory of all the deceased
  • Evaluation of regular full October 30, 2014. IU-green Alhama de Murcia (03/11/2014)

  • PSOE: "The 2015 municipal taxes kept inequality among neighbors and businesses" (03/11/2014)

  • Poll full October 2014. Citizens Alhama (02/11/2014)

  • PP de Alhama supports the municipal government as a tax freeze policy (01/11/2014)


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