Portal de Alhama de Murcia


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Alhama de Murcia News - October 2010

detail of Alhama de Murcia
Villa de Alhama - Alhama de Murcia
  • Three arrested for a crime against the right of workers (26/10/2010)
    Employees forty illegal immigrants in a country estate in Alhama de Murcia
  • Blood Donation Day at IES Valle de Leiva On Friday October 29 will be held from 9:30 in the Library of IES Valle de Leiva a day of blood donation, organized by the seventh consecutive year by the Regional Centre of Blood Donation. (25/10/2010)

  • Save Olivares is proclaimed Champion of Europe in decline Mountain Bike Marathon (25/10/2010)
    On October 1-3, was played the final round of the European Cup 2010 in Switzerland, where Olivares Salva alhameño getting runner-up finish as Europe, its category (Master30), in the form of Mountain Bike Marathon decline.
  • II Naturolimpiada Sustainable Regional Park Sierra Espuña (25/10/2010)

  • On Monday 25 is the deadline to apply for grants for books (22/10/2010)

  • Alhama City Council signed an agreement to help local trade (22/10/2010)

  • Hotel and trade fair I do agree the Alhama Outlet of the 2 nd Edition of "tapas by Alhama" (22/10/2010)

  • The new headquarters of Local Police and Civil Protection of Alhama de Murcia will serve 21,000 inhabitants (20/10/2010)
    The Minister of Justice and Public Safety, Manuel Campos, and the mayor of the municipality, Joseph Swords, today inaugurated the facility
  • Inauguration of the new headquarters of the Local Police and Civil Protection (20/10/2010)
    The new infrastructure, with an area of 1,720 square meters provide the service of Local Police today
  • Psychosocial Care Service grows in patients and professionals as their success in the two years leading up (20/10/2010)

  • Local Job Center begins a new computer course (19/10/2010)

  • As of 5 November are to collect receipts for fords and IAE (19/10/2010)

  • The Department of Women is holding the contest to make the lineup that will broadcast the activities of the March 8 (19/10/2010)

  • The Community is working on the rehabilitation of 50 housing projects in Alhama de Murcia (18/10/2010)
    José Ballesta notes that "50 families will improve their quality of life through this series of actions fundamentally social in nature involving a stimulus to employment"
  • The Mayor and the Minister of Public Works visited the housing, restored thanks to a regional project (18/10/2010)
    The works range from the repair of access to housing and comprehensive rehabilitation of the facades, to the installation of water saving and works to improve accessibility
  • The Director of the Bicycle Plan de Alhama, the protagonist in Cartagena (18/10/2010)
    Councillor for the Environment is presented in the first conference on Sustainable Mobility in the Region of Murcia
  • This Saturday at 20 times projected in the short films Film Velasco Filmmaking Course VI (15/10/2010)
    Also Sunday, at 20 hours, 7 Murcia offers an extensive report on the activities
  • Local Job Center has started a computer course (14/10/2010)

  • They put up two baby swimming groups to respond to the waiting list (14/10/2010)

  • Extras are needed for filming cotometraje this afternoon in the garden of Cervantes (13/10/2010)

  • 43 people discuss the future of El Berro and its environment (13/10/2010)
    The Regional Park of Sierra Espuña organizing a workshop for citizen participation in the hamlet
  • Alhama City Council collects an award from the Youth Council of Lorca (13/10/2010)

  • The 43 edition of the agriculture is hosting the exhibition of nearly 300 products (11/10/2010)

  • Alhama fair competition winners 2010 (11/10/2010)

  • Cerdá agricultural research advocates to continue to lead the indices of competitiveness in the markets (10/10/2010)
    The Minister of Agriculture and Water in Alhama closing the exhibition 'table grapes and Guadalentín Lower agricultural products', which includes a sample of more than 300 horticultural varieties
  • The Street Fair has been opened (08/10/2010)

  • Meeting of Board of Directors in alhama aje (08/10/2010)

  • Our elders danced without stopping at the party organized for them during the Fair 2010 (06/10/2010)

  • The Sports Pavilion hosted the President Cup final (06/10/2010)
    El Pozo Murcia managed to win by 5-2 to his filial
  • Inauguration of the refurbishment of the Garden of Cervantes (04/10/2010)

  • The garden Miguel de Cervantes de Alhama opens Biosalud gymnastic apparatus (04/10/2010)
    The Presidency and Minister of Public Administration and the local mayor inaugurated the renovation of this public space
  • Opens the deadline to apply for grants to associations, federations of Trade Unions and Associations of the locality (01/10/2010)
    For the realization of project for the promotion of equality
  • Alhama again become a giant movie set (01/10/2010)
    Filmmaker Xabi Puebla, among the guests of this year filmmaking course organized by the University of Murcia and the town of Alhama
  • Casting for two short clips of Filmmaking Course (01/10/2010)
    will be held on Tuesday 5 October, from 6:00 to 20:00 in the House of Culture

  • UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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